Microwave / Hạt Cát
« tiếng Việt »
General’s Info
updated: 2022-08-28
On a touring trip, the plane which the band is on has technical issue and begins to dive. Below them is a family being washed away in the storm; a farmer stuck in a circle of life and illness. Out of nowhere, a disease breaks out and turns everyone into angressive zombies on the trouble aeroplane. Would the band be able to save everybody?
I’ve known Microwave since I got back to Việt Nam when seeing them at live vennues around town. I have been a fan of their music for a long time but only recently, this story arose giving me a chance to work with them.
The idea came out of no where. Only after I finished writing that I realised this song was published in their 2012 album Thời Gian (Time). I have no insight about their internal relation. Perhaps if we raise enough fund, I would have a fighting chance to convince them to realise this film ;).
Screenplay Draft
- 16/01/2022
Chat Hall
The chat hall below is for internal discussion of this project. Crew members, please contact me to be invited into this chat hall.
» hạtcát@hall.trung.fun «
Funding’s Info
Please have a look my general offer to sponsors for music videos projects like these here.
updated: 2023-06-17
(new table)
The table below is not updated constantly. But apart from the fiat bank account, you can check the Bitcoin account and the Monero account any time you wish without my intervention.
The estimated cost may be changed. Details are being updated and will be publish here.
Balance | VNĐ ₫ |
Bitcoin ₿ |
Monero M |
Estimated Cost (VND) | 2·000·000·000 |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Standing Budget (VND) | 0·000·000·000 |
0.000 |
0.000 |
If there are still fund left over after we finish making the film, the whole crew will vote to donate to a particular charity.
To transfer funds over bank system, please contact me.
Account | Address:
Quick Response - ₿itcoin:

You can track the budget on Blockstream.
Account | Address:
Quick Response - Monero:
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To track the budget, have a look at: https://trung.fun/monero.html
updated: 2022-07-04
If you are a filmmaker and the story has sparked a little something in the soul, do make contact.
- Trung
- Đặng Thảo Nguyên
/Location Sound/
- Lê Thông