RI005 - Asus / Zenfone - 05/2016
updated: 2022-02-12
Sometime in between the Tiger Wall event, Andy notify me and Đông that Asus wanted to make an whole advert with a Zenfone - their new line of smartphone. Đông likes to mess about with the equipment so he was very excited with the challenge.

Like Đông saidd in the Behind The Scene filme (below), Asus sent us 4 piece to test and produce the film. Đông knew very well that the image quality of a phone won’t be as good as the specialized camera, so he found a rig to mount the Canon lens onto the phone. I knew that 50% of the film will always be determined by the sound, so I tried to record as much extra sound while production compare to other project just so Đông would have more things to play with in the cutting room. We danced pretty well together on this one.

This film has no Director title because honestly, the client was the Director. While filmming, Asus send their people to supervised every move that we made. They pretty much give order on everything we did over the phone. Fortunately, Huy was there to support us with the comminication between the parties involved and things went very smooth. Most of the time we have no clue what to shoot next or which questions was to ask our subject to pleased the client. On set, I was shaking not sure because of the cold weather or was the fear of loosing the client.
2016 was the year that film technology was in a very rapid development. Everything was becoming smaller and more convenient. At the time, drone were also a big trend in the industry so I was not supprised to learn that the client asked for a some shot on a drone. The trouble was not mounting the camera on the drone, rather it was how we would mount it so that we got a shot that would be good enough in the final film.
Linh managed to contact Đại while we were filmming the interview. The first day meeting Đại at Sa Pa, he thought that this was an easy job but demanded to test the equipment straight away. Just like I have guessed, the DIY stablizor rig couldn’t handle the weight of the phone. A couple of hours messing with the rig, it just stop working completely. We asked Đại to return to Hà Nội to find a solution. Everybody was a bit stress worrying about the client. But I was not because I didn’t see they invested the money to hire a team of engineer to design a stablizer for this project. Đại, as I understand was an drone operator, not an electrical engineer so through out the whole project, I have no complain about the man’s performance. In fact, I felt quite sorry for him to have to went back and forth between Sa Pa and Hà Nội.

Anyhow, we were on top of the hill to do this drone shot but we couldn’t fly any higher because the image would not stablized. This is why the last drone shot in the published film has no beautiful scenary of mountains and valley. Honestly I felt very glad that Đại was involved and we still managed to get a shot without having too much damaged. I learned quite a bit from this project. After the production stage, I carried on with the Tiger Wall event.
This project got a Top 10 in the Golden Bell Award 2016 (advert award).
This is the BTS of the project.
published: 2016-05-13
/Production Unit/
/Executive Producers/
- Andy Ho
- Huy
- Dư Ngân Linh
/Project Manager/
- Trương Hằng
- Ôn Quán Đông
/Drone Operator/
- Trần Xuân Đài
/Location Sound/
- Trung
- Ôn Quán Đông
- Kevin JQ
/Sound Engineer/
- Phan Huy Quyền
- Wonderful Journey - Stephen Coates
/Camerawork (BTS)/
- Ôn Quán Đông
- Nguyễn Đức Đại
- Trung